Top 5 Exercises for Low Back Pain
Disclaimer: If you're unsure if any of these exercises are safe for you please don't proceed. We recommend you consult with your heath professional or doctor before starting any new exercise program. By performing any exercises you do so at your own risk.
If you get BACK PAIN these are our favourite exercises we use with clients to help stretch and strengthen the back.
They've come from years and years of working with people suffering back pain.
These exercises target all of the key muscles around your lower back (abdominals, hip flexors, glutes, erector spines and QL).
They’re a great place to start before progressing to more challenging movements.
To get the best results the exercises should be done at least once or twice a day. We suggest mornings as the best time to build it into a daily routine.
Now of course this advice is general.
If you want a specific exercise program taking into account your injuries and conditions get in touch to book an assessment with one of our Exercise Physiologists.
You can call us at The Healesville Wellness Factory and book on 5962 2697 or head to the Exercise Physiology page.