Top 5 Exercises for Low Back Pain
Disclaimer: If you're unsure if any of these exercises are safe for you please don't proceed. We recommend you consult with your heath professional or doctor before starting any new exercise program. By performing any exercises you do so at your own risk.
If you get BACK PAIN these are our favourite exercises we use with clients to help stretch and strengthen the back.
They've come from years and years of working with people suffering back pain.
These exercises target all of the key muscles around your lower back (abdominals, hip flexors, glutes, erector spines and QL).
They’re a great place to start before progressing to more challenging movements.
To get the best results the exercises should be done at least once or twice a day. We suggest mornings as the best time to build it into a daily routine.
Now of course this advice is general.
If you want a specific exercise program taking into account your injuries and conditions get in touch to book an assessment with one of our Exercise Physiologists.
You can call us at The Healesville Wellness Factory and book on 5962 2697 or head to the Exercise Physiology page.
Back extension exercises
BACK EXTENSION exercises are super important for people suffering back pain.
They help with STRENGTH and FLEXIBILITY of the spine.
They help improve BLOOD FLOW to the spinal discs.
They can help REDUCE PAIN through your back.
For these reasons (and many others) they should be incorporated into the DAILY exercise routine for anyone with back pain.
Yes DAILY, not a couple of times a week or once a month when you're really bad.
This video gives you an idea of some of the back extension PROGRESSIONS we take clients through here The Healesville Wellness Factory
Time to get moving? Book an assessment here.
What is the best posture for sitting?
What is the best posture for SITTING?
With more and more people working from home this is more relevant than ever.
The old fashioned view was that we had to sit perfectly straight, with everything in line.
This makes sense. But in fact is not supported by research at all.
Time after time, research comes back showing that there's very little association between how you sit and the pain you experience.
**The truth is that there is no one perfect way to sit**
Slouching is OK
Sitting with your head forwards is OK
Sitting with crossed legs is OK
So instead of focusing on how you're sitting, just try to change it up.
Change your posture. Get up every so often. And make sure you inject some exercise into your day.
Key takeaway: If you get sore sitting, simply change up your posture
What exercise is best for back pain?
Exercise is one of the BEST things you can do for back pain.
BUT which type of exercise is best??
Chris answers this often misunderstood question in todays video.
Why to avoid back braces
Can a BACK BRACE help reduce your lower back pain?
This one might surprise you...
Sit stand desks for back pain
"Are standing desks better than sitting ones?"
Our Exercise Physiologist Beth Lamb addresses this question in todays video.
We also give you a sneak peek of what we use here at The Healesville Wellness Factory.
Back pain checklist
Can an Exercise Physiologist help with your back pain..?
Try our 4 point checklist 👇🏻
1) Do you get pain sitting for long periods? 🛋
(Being more active and adding in stretches can help break the cycle)
2) Do you get pain when lifting the kids or the washing basket? 👶🏻 👕
(Strong legs will help take pressure off your back)
3) Does your back get sore doing house work?
(Improved back strength and endurance will help you tolerate these activities better)
4) Do you struggle to touch your toes? 🧘♀️
(Specific leg stretches will help get you moving like you used to)
If you answered 'YES' to any of these questions we can help.
Book in for an assessment and one of our Exercise Physiologists will create a tailored program for you.
We’ll guide you on the best exercises to get your back strong.
Get in contact here.
Try our 4 point checklist 👇🏻
1) Do you get pain sitting for long periods? 🛋
(Being more active and adding in stretches can help break the cycle)
2) Do you get pain when lifting the kids or the washing basket? 👶🏻 👕
(Strong legs will help take pressure off your back)
3) Does your back get sore doing house work?
(Improved back strength and endurance will help you tolerate these activities better)
4) Do you struggle to touch your toes? 🧘♀️
(Specific leg stretches will help get you moving like you used to)
If you answered 'YES' to any of these questions we can help.
Book in for an assessment and one of our Exercise Physiologists will create a tailored program for you.
We’ll guide you on the best exercises to get your back strong.
Get in contact here.
This is a great stretch we like to give clients with BACK PAIN.
It gets every joint in your spine moving.
Here's why we like it so much:
-> it's super gentle, just go as far as comfortable
-> it relaxes the muscles
-> it encourage blood flow
-> it helps to open your posture
disk herniations heal
What this image shows is the WORSE your disc herniation the BETTER your chances of it healing.
If you’re getting a lot of pain, weakness or numbness from a disc injury it’s normal to be worried.
But in most cases you don’t actually need to worry.
Your back can and will heal in most cases.
If you just want a bit of guidance then book in a time to meet with one of our Exercise Physiologists here at The Healesville Wellness Factory.
We can give you an idea of what to expect and we can set you up with some exercises to help in the healing.
If you’re getting a lot of pain, weakness or numbness from a disc injury it’s normal to be worried.
But in most cases you don’t actually need to worry.
Your back can and will heal in most cases.
If you just want a bit of guidance then book in a time to meet with one of our Exercise Physiologists here at The Healesville Wellness Factory.
We can give you an idea of what to expect and we can set you up with some exercises to help in the healing.
Leg stretches for Lower back pain
Here's a nice set of stretches we do for our clients with LOW BACK PAIN.
The reformer is really nice to take you into a deeper stretch than you can normally get.
Particulalry if you get a lot of hamstring tightness or sciatica.
The reformer supports your lower back in a neutral position which can help ealry in the recovery process to speed things up.
Get in touch via the contact page if you'd like to book an assessment or simply learn more.
Is it safe to bend like this if you have a BACK INJURY?? 😬
Despite what you may have heard 👉🏻 YES IT IS
(And this includes disc injuries)
BUT (and this is a big but) you should build up to this gradually.
We start with basic hip extension exercises (bridges, squatting, good mornings) while adding unloaded flexion and extension (pelvic tilting, spine curls).
As each of these exercises get easier with less pain we can progress them by going into more challenging positions.
Your back pain may not go away overnight but it will get better with proper care.
Are you considering BACK SURGERY?
Here are 10 things you can try BEFORE going under the knife that may help with your back pain.
1. Clinical Pilates
2. Improving sleep
3. Physio, Chiro, Osteo
4. Meditation/mindfulness
5. Remedial massage
6. Yoga
7. Accupuncture/Chinese Medicine
8. Good nutrition/anti inflammatory diet
9. Strength Training
10. Cortisone injections
Sometimes surgery is the answer you've been looking for but most often it isn't.
For individuals with chronic pain we see surgery as a last option for those not coping with life and for those that have exhausted other evidence based options.
Our Exercise Physiologists are trained to get you moving and guide you through the process.
1. Clinical Pilates
2. Improving sleep
3. Physio, Chiro, Osteo
4. Meditation/mindfulness
5. Remedial massage
6. Yoga
7. Accupuncture/Chinese Medicine
8. Good nutrition/anti inflammatory diet
9. Strength Training
10. Cortisone injections
Sometimes surgery is the answer you've been looking for but most often it isn't.
For individuals with chronic pain we see surgery as a last option for those not coping with life and for those that have exhausted other evidence based options.
Our Exercise Physiologists are trained to get you moving and guide you through the process.
Pain DOES NOT equal damage 🤕
Not always and not uniformly.
In this video our Exercise Physiologist Kelly breaks down this complex topic.
Key Takeaways:
👉🏻 just because you have pain doesn’t mean your body is damaged/broken
👉🏻 the longer we experience pain the more risk for tissue, receptor and CNS sensitivity
👉🏻 we can reduce pain through graded movement within your pain thresholds
💥 the body and brain can change - pain isn’t a life sentence
discs don't slip!
Have you been told that you have a 'slipped disc'?
This terminology is not only inaccurate it can also be very harmful to your healing.
You cannot 'slip' a disc and any practitioner that tells you otherwise has no clue.
Watch the video for more 🙂
This is a fantastic stretch to help settle down a painful lower back.
We use it with all of our back pain clients to help get them moving before progressing to more strength based exercises.
Start slow and gradually increase the stretch as everything starts to relax.
Disclaimer: If you're unsure if this exercise is right for you please book an assessment with one of our Exercise Physiologists
"There are millions of people going in for back surgery that don't actually need it"
If you or someone you know are considering surgery for back pain make sure you watch this video.
Tag, comment and share to help us get the message out there - surgery isn't always the best option.
Advanced back exercises
The ‘dart’ is a great advanced exercise for people recovering from a BACK INJURY.
Don’t underestimate just what your body is capable of following a serious injury.
Challenge yourself to be better than you were before. Stronger, healthier and more robust.
Our Clinical Exercise classes are great to help you get back on track following an injury. Get you back to doing the things you’ll love.
Head to our Clinical Exercise Classes page to find out more
We love using the Pilates Reformers to work with people with back pain.
Here's why:
1. They support your back as you move
2. They assist you to get a deeper stretch
3. They give you feedback as you go
4. They force you to control the movement in both directions
5. They allow you to isolate specific areas around your back
We could go on but instead of just listening to us, we encourage you to come in and try them. We know you'll love them too.
To book an assessment with one of our Exercise Physiologists you can call us here at The Healesville Wellness Factory on 5962 2697.
Self release for low back pain
If you get BACK PAIN then this video is a must watch.
Kelly shares with you the simple tip we use with all our back pain clients.
For more on how we can help you visit the Exercise Physiology page.
Is exercise safe with spondylolisthesis?
Do you or someone you know suffer with SPONDYLOLISTHESIS?
If so, you're going to want to watch this video.
This information is super important and unfortunately not widely known.
Facts about the SIJ (Sacro-illiac joint)
1) The SIJ (sacroilliac joint) is NOT inherently weak or unstable.
2) It has very little movement. This movement cannot be reliably assessed.
3) Asymmetry is NORMAL and shouldn’t be considered a problem to correct on its own
4) BOTH excessive muscle activation and insufficient activation can be a problem. Stretch, strengthen and get moving!
1) The SIJ (sacroilliac joint) is NOT inherently weak or unstable.
2) It has very little movement. This movement cannot be reliably assessed.
3) Asymmetry is NORMAL and shouldn’t be considered a problem to correct on its own
4) BOTH excessive muscle activation and insufficient activation can be a problem. Stretch, strengthen and get moving!
‘Legs in straps’ is one of our favourite Reformer exercises.
Here’s why:
It’s great for people with LOW BACK PAIN to help loosen things up.
It’s great for people with HIP PAIN to stretch your adductors (inner thighs) and improve strength through range.
It’s great for people with SCIATICA to gently stretch your sciatic nerve and hamstrings in a supported position
AND it’s great for KNEE PAIN to improve alignment and stability.